Sunday, August 25, 2013

Horror in the night with Mr C

Just a few days ago, Ting2 n I were cooking our dinner while all in a sudden, a cockroach appeared!! Panicked, our first reaction was jumped back.

it appeared out of nowhere >.<
We can't leave the kitchen bcoz we're in the middle of our cooking activity, but we both have no guts to face this little scary thing *yacks* It freezed, not moved. So I took the bug-killer and sprayed the cockroach.
spray it, kill it!!! >.<
And that was the most stupid thing to do... bcoz more cockroaches were panicked and run out!! OMG!!!! Where were they hid theirselves in the first place????!!!

more were coming out, gyaaa...
Once again we were shocked and run for our life!!! Horror happened when one of the cockroach were trying to fly away!!!

can't imagine if this happened
Have no choice, we wait until the want-to-fly-cockroach moved to safe zone (we couldn't risk another spray would bring more and more out >.<) and I sprayed it too. huufff...

Moral of the story:
When you want to kill cockroach with sprayer, make sure it is alone!!!

maybe they are also a family-care bugs  

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